Friday, February 16, 2007

Department of "I Told You So"

Well, as predicted this time last year, when I wasn't hideously ravaged by gastric flu, university admissions figures have gone up again.

A lot of people were very keen to use last year's modest fall in applications as proof that fees didn't work. It was too early to make that judgement, and more considered voices always argued that we'd have to see what happened this year. The current figures suggest that the doomsayers were premature with their verdicts. So saying, it's also a bit early to be shooting your mouth off about being right all along, Mr. Blair. There's still time for the final application numbers to come out only a little up on last year.

But, a nice bit of good news for HE. Doesn't seem to have had the coverage of last year's figures, of course, but that's good news for you.

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